Protest against Operation Castor – more deportations to DR Congo by charter flight planned for 30th August

Operation ‘Castor’ – 2nd Charter Flight to DR Congo – Thursday 30th August 2007

News flash 17th August: XL offices occupied during ‘camp for climate action’ week against Congo deportations. See also: Trip from Climate Camp to detention centres nearby

Information from NCADC: It has been confirmed that some refused asylum seekers from DR Congo, have received removal directions (RDs) for Thursday 30th August 2007. The RDs stipulate Flight *PVT616 and ‘Operation Castor’. Operation Castor was the ‘Operational’ name given to the Charter Flight on the 26th February that removed 21 children and 17 adults to DR Congo. This will be more than likely a Charter flight belonging to XL Airways.

These arbitrary deportations are being carried out to support the Home Office assumption that Congo is safe to return to (whilst the decision to reassess the risk has been delayed more than once). To stop this massive deportation is will be necessary for Congolese (and anti-deportation supporters) to take to the streets to protest against this tactic. Protests are already planned for 28th August, Manchester, Glasgow, Newcastle, Cardiff, London and it is hoped that this will be extended to a national mobilisation against deportation before the end of the month. In order to coordinate legal support, Congolese asylum seekers are urged to call 07971676129 and give their name, HO reference, location, phone number, and give copies of HO refusal or judge’s decision.

See also Indymedia report: A special emergency meeting is planned in London on Wednesday 22/08/2007. Read more for details about the Charter flight company, and advice in French.. Background from February: Dozens deported to DR Congo.

More to follow when we get details… this malicious deportation must not be allowed to go ahead.

Operation ‘Castor’ – 2nd Charter Flight to DR Congo – Thursday 30th August 2007

News flash 17th August: XL offices occupied during ‘camp for climate action’ week against Congo deportations. See also: Trip from Climate Camp to detention centres nearby

See also Indymedia report: A special emergency meeting is planned in London on Wednesday 22/08/2007.


It has been confirmed that some refused asylum seekers from DR Congo, have received removal directions (RDs) for Thursday 30th August 2007. The RDs stipulate Flight *PVT616 and ‘Operation Castor’. Operation Castor was the ‘Operational’ name given to the Charter Flight on the 26th February that removed 21 children and 17 adults to DR Congo. *This will be more than likely a Charter flight belonging to XL Airways.

Background on XL Airways involvement with ‘Charter Flights’:
1) Thank you for your email of 11 July 2007 where you have requested further information to that which we released on *18 June 2007 regarding XL Airways. This falls to be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). You asked from which month to which month in the year 2005/2006: how many persons were deported/repatriated during the year 2005/2006 via XL Airways, and of those how many were adults and how many children; were these ‘charter’ flights, and if yes, how many flights were there and what were the ‘operational’ names of the flights. I can confirm that all flights with XL airways were charter flights. I can also confirm that we do hold the further information you seek but it is not held by the Border & Immigration Agency in the format that you have requested. Under the FOIA we are not required to create information to respond to a request. *From the Information Commissioner

2) Thank you for your email of 18 June 2007 asking for the total expenditure to deport/repatriate persons from the UK for the year 2005/2006 with XL Airways. Your enquiry has been dealt with as a request for information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I can confirm that the total expenditure to deport/repatriate persons from the UK with XL Airways for the year 2005/06 was £1,542,826.96.

Advice in French – refers to NCADC info above in English.

[To give a rough idea of what this means in English: Another plane is being planned to deport Congolese to Kinchasa on August 30th. These arbitrary deportations are being carried out to support the Home Office assumption that Congo is safe to return to. to stop this massive deportation is will be necessary for Congolese (and anti-deportation supporters) to take to the streets to protest against this tactic. Protests are already planned for 28th August, Manchester, Glasgow, Newcastle, Cardiff, London and it is hoped that this will be extended to a national mobilisation against deportation before the end of the month. In order to coordinate legal support, Congolese asylum seekers are urged to call 07971676129 and give their name, HO reference, location, phone number, and give copies of HO refusal or judge’s decision.]

Chers frères et soeurs,

Prenez le temps de lire le message ci-dessous, en Anglais, et de comprendre qu’un avion est encore prévu pour le refoulement des Congolais le 30 Août en direction de kinshasa.

Du point de vue légal, il nous est demandé de rassembler les détails de tous les Congolais vivant en Angleterre et dont les demandes d’asile ont été refusées. Les détails à prendre sont:

Nom complet
Référence du Home Office
Location du demandeur (Ville, région etc)
Numéro de téléphone
La copie du refus du Home Office et/ou la détermination du juge etc

Une fois rassemblé, prière de me contacter au 07971676129 et vous aurez une coordonnée par laquelle envoyer ces détails.

Tout Congolais, sans distinction, qui n’a pas d’avocats doit donner ses détails qui permettront aux avocats de soumettre une demande en sa faveur, basée sur les évidences en cours et déjà introduites au Home Office et au Tribunal pour le cas des Congolais en général. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir des inquiétudes sur des évidences individuelles car celles déjà présentées constituent une base solide pour l’introduction des fresh claims individuels.

Une deuxième démarche pour arrêter la déportation massive du 30 Août c’est d’avoir une démonstration Congolaise nationale qui demandera à ce que tout Congolais sorte dans les rues pour protester contre cette tactique du Home Office qui cherche à créé une évidence surprise pour soutenir leur hypothèse selon laquelle il n’y a pas de risques s’il faut renvoyer les demandeurs d’asile dont les cas ont été refusé, bien que arbitrairement.

Les villes suivantes sont déjà dans les préparatifs pour la marche le 28 Août 2007 à partir de 12h. Celles qui voudront s’y ajouter peuvent toujours nous contacter pour une coordination nationale:

1. Manchester
2. Glasgow
3. Newcastle
4. Cardiff
5. London

Innocent Empi
078 7167 6129